Autumn – 2013 Midnight in Cairo E4990-4330 Rise Of The Winged OneR4990-6570 Horus on the Horizon RingE4992-1030 Lotus Lullaby EarringsBH4993-6531 Queen of the NileE4994-3010 Secret Scarab EarringsBH4995-1030 Thoth the KeeperBH4996-6570 AnubisE4997-5080 Marlene Dietrich PeacockE4999-6570 Livinia FontanaBH5009-7065 Bast From the PastE5009-7065 Bast From the PastN5018-1070 Arion & the ChariotE5018-0270 Arion & the ChariotN5019-0165 Rise of Isis NecklaceBH5083-3080 One From the SunBH5084-7065 CleoCATraE5090-6570 Horus on the HorizonMR5302-1002 Cleopatra Purse Mirror